SpECTRE Documentation Coverage Report
Current view: top level - DataStructures - ComplexModalVector.hpp Hit Total Coverage
Commit: a6a8ee404306bec9d92da8ab89f636b037aefc25 Lines: 1 34 2.9 %
Date: 2024-07-26 22:35:59
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1           0 : // Distributed under the MIT License.
       2             : // See LICENSE.txt for details.
       3             : 
       4             : #pragma once
       5             : 
       6             : #include <blaze/math/GroupTag.h>
       7             : 
       8             : #include "DataStructures/VectorImpl.hpp"
       9             : #include "Utilities/TMPL.hpp"
      10             : 
      11             : /// \cond
      12             : class ModalVector;
      13             : class ComplexModalVector;
      14             : /// \endcond
      15             : 
      16             : namespace blaze {
      17           0 : DECLARE_GENERAL_VECTOR_BLAZE_TRAITS(ComplexModalVector);
      18             : }  // namespace blaze
      19             : 
      20             : /*!
      21             :  * \ingroup DataStructuresGroup
      22             :  * \brief A class for storing complex spectral coefficients on a spectral grid.
      23             :  *
      24             :  * \details A ComplexModalVector holds an array of spectral coefficients
      25             :  * represented as `std::complex<double>`s, and can be either owning (the array
      26             :  * is deleted when the ComplexModalVector goes out of scope) or non-owning,
      27             :  * meaning it just has a pointer to an array.
      28             :  *
      29             :  * Only basic mathematical operations are supported with
      30             :  * `ComplexModalVector`s. `ComplexModalVector`s may be added or subtracted and
      31             :  * may be added or subtracted with `ModalVector`s, and the following unary
      32             :  * operations are supported:
      33             :  * - conj
      34             :  * - imag (which returns a `ModalVector`)
      35             :  * - real (which returns a `ModalVector`)
      36             :  *
      37             :  * Also multiplication is supported with `std::complex<double>`s or doubles and
      38             :  * `ComplexModalVector`s, and `ComplexModalVector`s can be divided by
      39             :  * `std::complex<double>`s or `double`s. Multiplication is supported with
      40             :  * `ComplexDiagonalModalOperator`s and `ComplexModalVector`s.
      41             :  */
      42           1 : class ComplexModalVector
      43             :     : public VectorImpl<std::complex<double>, ComplexModalVector> {
      44             :  public:
      45           0 :   ComplexModalVector() = default;
      46           0 :   ComplexModalVector(const ComplexModalVector&) = default;
      47           0 :   ComplexModalVector(ComplexModalVector&&) = default;
      48           0 :   ComplexModalVector& operator=(const ComplexModalVector&) = default;
      49           0 :   ComplexModalVector& operator=(ComplexModalVector&&) = default;
      50           0 :   ~ComplexModalVector() = default;
      51             : 
      52           0 :   using BaseType = VectorImpl<std::complex<double>, ComplexModalVector>;
      53             : 
      54             :   using BaseType::operator=;
      55             :   using BaseType::VectorImpl;
      56             : };
      57             : 
      58             : namespace blaze {
      59             : template <>
      60           0 : struct TransposeFlag<ComplexModalVector>
      61             :     : BoolConstant<ComplexModalVector::transpose_flag> {};
      62             : template <>
      63           0 : struct AddTrait<ComplexModalVector, ComplexModalVector> {
      64           0 :   using Type = ComplexModalVector;
      65             : };
      66           0 : BLAZE_TRAIT_SPECIALIZE_COMPATIBLE_BINARY_TRAIT(ComplexModalVector, ModalVector,
      67             :                                                AddTrait, ComplexModalVector);
      68             : template <>
      69           0 : struct SubTrait<ComplexModalVector, ComplexModalVector> {
      70           0 :   using Type = ComplexModalVector;
      71             : };
      72           0 : BLAZE_TRAIT_SPECIALIZE_COMPATIBLE_BINARY_TRAIT(ComplexModalVector, ModalVector,
      73             :                                                SubTrait, ComplexModalVector);
      74           0 : BLAZE_TRAIT_SPECIALIZE_COMPATIBLE_BINARY_TRAIT(ComplexModalVector,
      75             :                                                std::complex<double>, MultTrait,
      76             :                                                ComplexModalVector);
      78             :                                                std::complex<double>, MultTrait,
      79             :                                                ComplexModalVector);
      80           0 : BLAZE_TRAIT_SPECIALIZE_COMPATIBLE_BINARY_TRAIT(ComplexModalVector, double,
      81             :                                                MultTrait, ComplexModalVector);
      82             : template <>
      83             : struct DivTrait<ComplexModalVector, std::complex<double>> {
      84             :   using Type = ComplexModalVector;
      85             : };
      86             : template <>
      87           0 : struct DivTrait<ComplexModalVector, double> {
      88           0 :   using Type = ComplexModalVector;
      89             : };
      90             : 
      91             : template <typename Operator>
      92           0 : struct MapTrait<ComplexModalVector, Operator> {
      93             :   // Selectively allow unary operations for spectral coefficients
      94             :   static_assert(tmpl::list_contains_v<
      95             :                     tmpl::list<blaze::Conj,
      96             :                                // Following 3 reqd. by operator(+,+=), (-,-=),
      97             :                                // (-) w/doubles
      98             :                                blaze::Bind1st<blaze::Add, std::complex<double>>,
      99             :                                blaze::Bind2nd<blaze::Add, std::complex<double>>,
     100             :                                blaze::Bind1st<blaze::Sub, std::complex<double>>,
     101             :                                blaze::Bind2nd<blaze::Sub, std::complex<double>>,
     102             :                                blaze::Bind1st<blaze::Add, double>,
     103             :                                blaze::Bind2nd<blaze::Add, double>,
     104             :                                blaze::Bind1st<blaze::Sub, double>,
     105             :                                blaze::Bind2nd<blaze::Sub, double>>,
     106             :                     Operator>,
     107             :                 "Only unary operations permitted on a ComplexModalVector are:"
     108             :                 " conj, imag, and real");
     109           0 :   using Type = ComplexModalVector;
     110             : };
     111             : template <>
     112           0 : struct MapTrait<ComplexModalVector, blaze::Imag> {
     113           0 :   using Type = ModalVector;
     114             : };
     115             : template <>
     116           0 : struct MapTrait<ComplexModalVector, blaze::Real> {
     117           0 :   using Type = ModalVector;
     118             : };
     119             : template <>
     120           0 : struct MapTrait<ModalVector, blaze::Imag> {
     121           0 :   using Type = ModalVector;
     122             : };
     123             : template <>
     124           0 : struct MapTrait<ModalVector, blaze::Real> {
     125           0 :   using Type = ModalVector;
     126             : };
     127             : 
     128             : template <typename Operator>
     129           0 : struct MapTrait<ComplexModalVector, ComplexModalVector, Operator> {
     130             :   // Forbid math operations in this specialization of BinaryMap traits for
     131             :   // ComplexModalVector that are unlikely to be used on spectral coefficients.
     132             :   // Currently no non-arithmetic binary operations are supported.
     133             :   static_assert(
     134             :       tmpl::list_contains_v<tmpl::list<>, Operator>,
     135             :       "This binary operation is not permitted on a ComplexModalVector.");
     136           0 :   using Type = ComplexModalVector;
     137             : };
     138             : }  // namespace blaze
     139             : 
     140             : /// \cond
     141             : DEFINE_STD_ARRAY_BINOP(ComplexModalVector, ComplexModalVector,
     142             :                        ComplexModalVector, operator+, std::plus<>())
     143             : DEFINE_STD_ARRAY_BINOP(ComplexModalVector, ComplexModalVector,
     144             :                        ComplexModalVector, operator-, std::minus<>())
     145             : DEFINE_STD_ARRAY_INPLACE_BINOP(ComplexModalVector,
     146             :                                ComplexModalVector, operator+=, std::plus<>())
     147             : DEFINE_STD_ARRAY_INPLACE_BINOP(ComplexModalVector,
     148             :                                ComplexModalVector, operator-=, std::minus<>())
     149             : 
     150             : namespace blaze {
     151             : // Partial specialization to disable being able to take the l?Norm of a
     152             : // ComplexModalVector. This does *not* prevent taking the norm of the square (or
     153             : // some other math expression) of a ComplexModalVector.
     154             : template <typename Abs, typename Power>
     155             : struct DVecNormHelper<
     156             :     blaze::CustomVector<std::complex<double>, blaze::AlignmentFlag::unaligned,
     157             :                         blaze::PaddingFlag::unpadded,
     158             :                         blaze::defaultTransposeFlag, blaze::GroupTag<0>,
     159             :                         ComplexModalVector>,
     160             :     Abs, Power> {};
     161             : }  // namespace blaze
     162             : /// \endcond
     163             : MAKE_WITH_VALUE_IMPL_DEFINITION_FOR(ComplexModalVector)

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